Nanospell Spell Checking Software Components
JavaScript jQuery CKEditor TinyMCE PHP ASP.Net Classic ASP

ckeditor spell check dictionaries

NanoSpell give developers like you access to library of free international spell-checking dictionary files.

Dictionary vocabulary can also be customized to include words specific to your project.

Selecting Dictionaries

The spellchecking dictionary NanoSpell used by CKEditor can be set using the nanospell_dictionary setting which 'en' by default. (Global English).


<script src="path/to/nanospell/autoload.js"></script>
<textarea id='editor1'>...</textarea>				
<script>CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1');</script>

    dictionary : "es",  // "es" is for spanish  
    server : "php" }); 

For multi-lingual documents, you may use more than one dictionary at the same time use a comma separated list such as:

 dictionary: "en,fr" 

Installing Dictionaries

Before a dictionary can be used, it must be downloaded and installed. (NanoSpell ships with only English installed.)

  1. Download any dictionaries you would like to use from the list below
  2. Unzip and move the '.dic' file to the nanospell/dictionaries/ folder
  3. Ensure that the server (or 'everyone') has read permissions to all .dic files in that folder.

Free Dictionaries

Quick Recap: download, unzip and move to nanospell/dictionaries

English Dictionaries

Specialist English Dictionaries

International Dictionaries

Customizing The Vocabulary

Adding Words to the Vocabulary

To add words you do not need to modify the dictionary.

Removing Words Vocabulary

To remove words you do not need to modify the dictionary.

Intuitive User Experience

“Spellcheck as you type” within ckeditor. No learning-curve for users.

Install on any Host

Easily set-up on modern web hosting. Just upload and go.

Developer Friendly

Well documented and kept clean, simple & stable.

Private & Secure

Never sends your data to remote spellchecking servers. No Ads.

International Dictionaries

Free CKEditor spell-check dictionaries from across the world.

Developer Support

Maintained by the original developers.. who love CKEditor